Coronary Angiogram

Coronary Angiogram by Dr Nima Rudd Cardiologist

Coronary angiogram (or cardiac catheterisation) is a minimally invasive procedure to determine if an individual has coronary artery disease or not. It is usually performed with a small entry in the wrist artery( Radial artery ) which is Dr Rudd’s preferred approach In the last 10 years.
Alternative approaches include the grion which is only used for rare occasions when access to the heart is not possible through the radial artery ( due to blockages and anatomy variations) less commonly used due to its vascular injury risk ( Dr. Rudd is experienced in this approach as well).

After cleaning the wrist with an antiseptic, the patient is draped with sterile covering. A local anaesthetic is instilled in the wrist area, and a small 1 mm puncture is made to allow a tiny catheter to be inserted up towards the top of the aorta. The catheter is then manipulated to engage the origins of the coronary arteries, and contrast dye is then injected to visualise the artery outlines. Instant digital replay is available.

A total of 8 – 10 “runs” are made with the camera in various angles of the body, to enable the arteries to be visualised fully. A narrowing is then identified, and measures to perform coronary stenting may then be made. Occasionally, we may not have all the right equipment to fix a peculiar or unusual narrowing. In this case, the patient will have to come back for the treatment procedure – stent or etc.

If multiple blockages are found, coronary artery bypass surgery may be recommended, in this situation, the patient may either be admitted for stabilisation, or be discharged for a future appointment to see a cardiac surgeon.


Coronary Angiogram at Hospital

Dr. Rudd will discuss with you about the indications for coronary angiography in your particular situation. The procedure is carried out in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory of the Hospital. Most angiogram procedures are day procedures, meaning you will be admitted and discharged on the same day of the procedure.

Dr. Rudd routinely uses a 4 French size radial sheaths (3 French = 1 mm) – the smallest diameter catheter available, in order to reduce artery puncture trauma. The actual procedure takes about 10 minutes, but the whole process from admission to discharge takes about 4 – 5 hours.

After a stent procedure, you will be observed overnight in the coronary care unit before being discharged.

You will not be charged any extra fees for your procedure at the Private Hospital, Dr. Rudd subscribes to the “No-Gap Scheme” (your private health insurance covers the gap).

Video of coronary angiogram procedure

Transradial coronary angiogram (from the wrist)

Coronary Angiogram was last modified: March 5th, 2021 by Team